past temorary exhibitions

23.09.2021 bis 16.07.2023

Earth at its Limits

Text siehe Unterlagen

12.05.2021 bis 17.07.2022

HEALTH – 7000 Years of the Art of Healing

HEALTH – 7000 Years of the Art of Healing

Special exhibition extended until 17 of July 2022 in English and German language

An interactive exhibition about the history of medicine - from the Stone Age to the present day.

Toothaches, inflammations, and broken bones – people suffered from health problems even in the Stone Age. In the times before modern medicine, effective treatments were rare and life expectancy was correspondingly low. However, people already used various methods for many ailments.

This special exhibition shows how diseases and their remedies can be traced in archaeological finds. Pollen, charred plant parts and finds from wetland settlements provide information about the plants that grew in the past. Results of anthropological investigations show which diseases and injuries people suffered from. Traditions from folk medicine and ancient written sources create a link between illness and possible medicines.

«HEALTH - 7000 Years of the Art of Healing» is a time journey through the history of medicine inviting visitors to smell, play and observe (in English and German).

360 degree virtual tour through the exhibition



An exhibition of the Kantonsarchäologie Luzern
and the Museums für Urgeschichte(n) Zug
Expanded by the Kulturama Museum des Menschen

We thank for their support:


Radio Zürisee

02.04.2021 bis 07.08.2022

Into the ear

An interactive journey through the ear

How do noises, sounds and tones travel from the outer ear to the brain?

In the temporary exhibition «Into the ear» visitors travel along various stations from the outer ear through the auditory canal into the inner ear and get to know the organ from the inside. How do vertebrates hear? How has the ear developed over time?

This interactive family exhibition addresses the senses of adults and children alike to learn about hearing, balance and sound. The topics can be explored by solving puzzles, playing, experimenting and with the help of informative touchable exhibition pieces.

We will experience that the ear is not only indispensable for hearing, but also plays an important role in walking upright and keeping our balance. The exhibition shows the highly complex mechanism inside the ear and what happens if this mechanism is thrown out of joint.

«Into the ear» is an exciting exhibition about a precious organ and will be shown at the Kulturama Museum des Menschen in Zurich until 18th October, 2020. The idea, concept and production originate from the Naturhistorisches Museum Basel.

There are countless phrases around the ear, they all generate a picture in our brain. These pictures were captured by the Colombian illustrator Mariana Bonilla Rojas (1984, Bogotá) with a precise hand stroke. Her works are shown in the staircase as an introduction to the exhibition.

The exhibition is in German and English. 
Une version imprimée des textes principaux est disponible pour les visiteurs francophones.


01.01.2021 bis 07.07.2022

Experience Room EAR

Experience Room EAR

Temporary Exhibition until 7 of August 2022 in English and German language

An interactive journey through our hearing organ

How do noises, sounds and tones travel from the outer ear to the brain? In the «Experience Room EAR» we travel along various stations from the outer ear through the auditory canal to the inner ear and discover it from the inside.

Both adults and children can explore, experiment, touch, play and delve deeper into the topics of hearing, balance and sounds. The exhibition is intended to address all our senses in order to convey knowledge. We learn that the ear is not only essential for hearing, but also enables humans to walk upright and maintain balance. The exhibition shows the highly complex mechanism inside the ear and what happens when it is thrown out of joint.

The «Experience Room EAR» contains some of the exhibits from the previous special exhibition «Into the EAR», a special exhibition of the «Naturhistorischen Museum» in Basel, which was shown at Kulturama until March 21, 2021.

10.08.2018 bis 04.08.2019

Wer is(s)t denn da?

SA Objektgeschichten
31.03.2014 bis 19.10.2014

Wonderful Objectstories

Eine Ausstellung über Fantasie. Jedes Sammlungsstück hat seine eigene Biografie.

Aus den Überresten eines Bergriesen wird im Lauf der Jahre das Schulterblatt eines Mammuts, aus dem Einhorn ein Narwal. Was kostbar scheint, kann schnell wertlos werden. Fälschungen werden entlarvt oder der wahre Ursprung wird erst nach vielen Jahren erkannt. Vom antiken Erdrandsiedler bis zum Homunkulus der modernen Hirnforschung begegnen Besucherinnen und Besucher vielen abenteuerlichen Geschichten und erstellen via Bildschirm ihre eigene Galerie an Wunderbarem.

Eine Sonderausstelung des Naturmuseums Winterthur


Flyer zur Ausstellung